Japanese Classroom

Always been curious about Japanese? Having trouble sticking to independent study? Our Japanese Classroom offers an accessible, affordable opportunity to participate in a positive group study environment. NOW ONLINE! Students must be 18 years of age or older to participate.

Japanese Classes using the Genki Textbook

Our Genki based courses are styled after college curricula, with classes starting at 101 and going up to 205. We hold a Spring, Summer, and Fall semester each year. Registration typically opens 2-3 weeks before the start of the semester and will conclude the Friday before the first week of class. Each class meets 90 minutes per week for 10 weeks. These sessions follow the Japan Times Genki Series and include reading, writing, speaking, listening, and cultural components. Each course covers 2 chapters. Japanese 101-106 cover Genki I and Japanese 201-205 cover Genki II.

Nihongo Fun and Easy

Conversational Japanese for Beginners is a 101 course that focuses more on casual learning. This class is less focused on grammar or script memorizing and is more geared towards learning Japanese for travel or other less formal uses. Through studying basic sentence structures and building vocabulary, students will learn how to introduce themselves, ask for directions, order food, ask where an ATM is, make requests, etc. The textbook comes with audio files that can be downloaded on the student’s computer or smartphone, with which they can practice listening any time. Also, every sentence in the textbook comes with Romanized characters that serve as a pronunciation guide, so students can start practicing speaking without memorizing all the Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji characters.


Registration costs $400, or $380 for JASGP members except where otherwise noted.


Classes are held online via Zoom. Students must have reliable internet to participate.


Hear It From Our Students

“Learning Japanese at the JASGP has been a great experience that has only deepened my interest in Japan. Thanks to the the dedication of the teachers and JASGP staff it has been a real pleasure to attend classes and improve my language skills. The JASGP has a wide breadth of programs and activities and I would warmly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about Japan, its language and culture.”
-Branimir Vasilić, 101-204 Student

“One of the best things about taking classes at JAGSP is that everyone is learning Japanese for different reasons. Our classes are always diverse and the instructors are always engaging. I learn something new every class, culturally and linguistically.”
-Jessica Kwasniak, 101-102 Student

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